Functional Range Conditioning Results

Unlike our weight loss transformations, our functional range conditioning results are joint-specific. See how functional range conditioning can help you move with purpose, freeing yourself from pain, dysfunction, and frustration.


We recently started working with Eric, who had some serious shoulder issues. You can see how difficult it is to bring his shoulder up toward his ear (flexion) in the before picture.

Thankfully, through careful assessments and programming, Eric is finally feeling and seeing his shoulder improve. Here is what he had to say,

My shoulder has bothered me for the better part of 6 years due to an old sports injury. I saw several people for it, including a shoulder specialist, but I decided to come to Motive after months of urging from my significant other. Less than two months in, I’m very happy with my decision. They’ve focused on property mobility and positive habit forming to counteract all the compensating I’ve been doing for far too long. Since I started, my shoulder has significantly more range of motion, and most of my daily pain has dissipated.

Ben and the team there have been great, and I cannot thank them enough! They are humid prepossessing Homo Sapiens with full-sized aortic pumps.

Shout out out to our trainer, Ben, for helping Eric see a path toward progress.


  • increased range of motion
  • less pain
Eric's results from Functional Range Conditioning


Bryan came to us pretty “tight.” We weren’t exactly sure what that meant, but after doing an assessment with him, we determined his shoulders needed some serious improvement. As you can see, we used Functional Range Conditioning to help Bryan improve his shoulder internal rotation. The result? A shoulder that works! Here is what Byran had to say,

I’m a big fan of Motive Training. It’s nice handing them the reins to help me build functional range in my joints and develop strength where it was lacking. I like riding my bike long distances and thought I had a good handle on my fitness. Ben has helped me find some muscle groups that were being underutilized, and the range of some joints was lackluster. I have never lifted due to knee and shoulder pain… However, I can now do proper strength training via Functional Range Conditioning, which has improved my riding experience and built my appetite for further gym time. Thanks, Ben, you da man!


  • increased range of motion
  • less pain
Bryan's results from Functional Range Conditioning


Oftentimes, people attack the chest as the culprit for shoulders being pulled forward, and (obviously) that is often part of the problem. However, we also tend to see issues with thoracic extension and shoulder internal rotation. Even though the shoulder appears internally rotated on the left in the picture, that doesn’t mean that the glenohumeral joint has solid internal rotation. In fact, when you lack adequate internal rotation, you’ll generally see the shoulder blade elevated and rolled forward, contributing to the pulled-forward appearance.

With this specific client, we spent significantly more time addressing the shoulder’s internal rotation and upper thoracic extension capacities. And the difference from right to left is night and day. The shoulder sits naturally, as does the neck. You’d think we spent most of our training just pulling the neck backward (retraction), but that was a small percentage of our efforts.

We’re not a posture-focused gym (and that wasn’t our goal with this client anyway), but when you exercise and move with purpose, the benefits are endless.


  • increased range of motion
  • better posture
John's results from Functional Range Conditioning


Consistency over time… This is what Ben and Motive have been giving me, and the results speak for themselves. I can’t believe I can move my shoulder this much!” Jay beams, raising his arm overhead with a newfound range of motion.

When Jay first walked into Motive, his movements were tentative, his shoulder stiff from a lingering injury. But from the beginning, there was a spark — a determination to improve. Ben, a trainer at Motive Training, saw that spark, and together, they crafted a plan built on consistency.

It wasn’t always a smooth journey. There were days of disappointment, obstacles to conquer. But Jay never faltered. He embraced the process, showing up for each session with a thirst to understand the intricacies of movement and how to gain better control over his body.

Now, after several weeks, the transformation is undeniable. Jay can move his shoulder with a freedom he hasn’t felt in a long time. This newfound mobility isn’t just about the numbers - it’s about opportunity. It’s a testament to the strength of consistent effort and a desire to push his body to its limits. And Jay, driven by this progress, is eager to continue exploring his potential, one mindful movement at a time.


  • increased range of motion
  • less pain
Jay's results from Functional Range Conditioning


Meet Fish, a dedicated client who embarked on a transformative journey with Brian at Motive Training ATX. His initial posture, as seen in the “before” photo, revealed a significant limitation in thoracic spine extension. Notice how Fish’s erectors “pop” off his ribcage; it’s generally a telltale sign someone is having trouble moving their thoracic spine, especially when in extension (or cow, in cat-cow).

This stickiness compromised his overall movement efficiency and potentially contributed to discomfort, especially when bending or twisting (as he does in pickleball every week). It also makes it harder to remain upright for hours on end, which is a challenge for most pickleball players because they lower their center of mass so much to play in the kitchen.

The after image showcases a dramatic improvement in Fish’s thoracic spine extension. The once-rounded upper back has flattened out, demonstrating increased mobility and a healthier posture. You can’t see it in this picture, but his entire spine can get into a much more natural extension state, which is critical for spine health.

Even more, Fish has fought through some elbow and shoulder injuries and is playing (winning) pickleball more than ever before. Way to go, Fish!


  • increased range of motion
  • less pain
Fish's results from Functional Range Conditioning

Are you ready to move with purpose?


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Joint-by-joint analysis to create a personalized plan just for you.


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In-person training or Mobility Blueprints to help you get the results you want.

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The truth is that most people spin their wheels far longer than they should. We understand. Your life is busy, you have prior commitments, and change may seem impossible. But we believe in your potential for change. Even if you don’t know where to start, we’re here to guide you.

Just remember: being personal trainers and coaches is not just a side job for us, it’s our life’s mission. We wake up every day with the sole purpose of impacting as many lives as possible with a completely customized, high-level coaching program. We are dedicated to helping you stay committed to your health and fitness journey, no matter what it takes.

Why waste another moment on programs that aren’t designed for you or personal trainers who don’t take your goals seriously? It’s time to make a change.

Contact us instead. We do personal training right.

  • Address:

    435 LA Grave Ave SE #104, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

  • Address:

    714 Shelby Ln Suite E, Austin, TX 78745

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