Functional Range Assessment

Functional Range Assessment

The Functional Range Assessment (FRA) is a diagnostic tool for examining how you move on a joint-by-joint basis. It is a measurement-based assessment system that objectively measures a person’s movement capacity for each joint. The FRA uses baseline measurements to provide an objective and scientific assessment of movement capacity, thus removing guesswork and enabling objective progress tracking.

Don't guess—get assessed

Results Guaranteed

We use the Functional Range Assessment findings to create movement baselines for your unique body, like progress pictures, but for your joints. FRA helps improve your movement capacity by providing objective measures for each joint. Additionally, if you suffer from chronic pain, FRA can help alleviate it by identifying and addressing the root causes. Then, if you have pain or issues of any kind, we’ll get to the root cause and give you actionable solutions to get you on a path toward success.

You will walk away from the FRA having made discoveries about your body and how best to make improvements.


Functional Range Conditioning Pain Functional Range Assessment Training

How well can you move?


The Problem

Do you often find yourself enduring neck and back pain or a shoulder that’s lost its mobility? You’re not the only one. Many of us view these limitations as an unavoidable part of aging or daily wear and tear.

There’s a common misconception that stiffness, aches, and chronic pain are just something we must “deal with.” We might even convince ourselves that they’ll magically improve on their own. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case.

Does this sound familiar? Perhaps you:

  • Avoid activities you used to enjoy because of pain or stiffness.
  • Struggle with everyday tasks like reaching for something high on a shelf or putting on your shoes.
  • Live with a nagging ache that disrupts your sleep and overall well-being.

If you’ve nodded to any of these, it’s time to challenge the belief of ‘just deal with it’ and take a step towards a better you.

At Motive Training, we empower you to live a life free from pain and limitation. Our Functional Range Assessment (FRA) is your first step towards reclaiming your movement potential and feeling your best. It’s a journey that puts you in control of your body and your life.

The problem solved by Functional Range Assessment


The Process

The standard approach to exercise looks at things from a “functional” standpoint: can you squat, do push-ups, or deadlift heavy weight? This approach works for some but leaves most people scratching their heads as to why things don’t feel right.

At Motive Training, we don’t just focus on a few key areas. We take a comprehensive approach, examining all the joints in your body. We use advanced measurement procedures as part of our Functional Range Assessment (FRA) to assess joint passive to active ranges of motion. We also incorporate soft tissue assessment to influence the central nervous system (CNS) for greater joint range of motion and strength. This thorough approach ensures that no aspect of your joint health is overlooked.

From there, we can see how well each joint coordinates with the others to create solid, healthy movement.

The process of Functional Range Assessment


The Results

Don’t settle for a life of aches and limitations. The Functional Range Assessment (FRA) at Motive Training is your gateway to a pain-free, mobile you.

After your FRA, our expert coaches design a personalized training plan built specifically for your body and goals. This isn’t a generic program – it’s a roadmap to real results, promoting longevity and a pain-free lifestyle.

Here’s how the FRA empowers you:

  • Unlock Your Movement: The FRA is the foundation for Functional Range Conditioning and mobility training. We create a plan to improve your body control by identifying limitations in your movement patterns. This allows you to move with greater intention and efficiency, finally saying goodbye to those nagging aches that hold you back.
  • Enhanced Mobility, Reduced Pain: Stiffness and restricted mobility are often the culprits behind pain. The FRA helps pinpoint these areas, allowing us to develop a targeted strategy to improve your overall mobility. Imagine bending over to tie your shoes without a struggle or reaching for that top shelf with ease. The FRA also helps us create a plan for safe and effective pain relief, promoting relaxation and reducing discomfort.

Ready to ditch the limitations and embrace a life of pain-free movement? Schedule your Functional Range Assessment today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

The results of Functional Range Assessment

Virtual Functional Range Assessment

We also offer a virtual option for those who would prefer to go through the assessment process from the comfort of their own home. It’s slightly different from the in-person version but still comprehensively addresses the nervous system, making it a solid option if you can’t access us in our Grand Rapids or South Austin locations.

Our guarantee is this: you will get the same level of service as you would in person and learn something new about your body that you didn’t know before.

So, don’t miss an opportunity to learn how to move with purpose today.

Virtual Functional Range Assessment

Are you ready to move with purpose?


Reach Out

Schedule a 100% FREE call or email us to get started right away.


Get Assessed

Joint-by-joint analysis to create a personalized plan just for you.


Start Training

In-person training or Mobility Blueprints to help you get the results you want.

Ready for results

Commit Today And Never Look Back

The truth is that most people spin their wheels far longer than they should. We understand. Your life is busy, you have prior commitments, and change may seem impossible. But we believe in your potential for change. Even if you don’t know where to start, we’re here to guide you.

Just remember: being personal trainers and coaches is not just a side job for us, it’s our life’s mission. We wake up every day with the sole purpose of impacting as many lives as possible with a completely customized, high-level coaching program. We are dedicated to helping you stay committed to your health and fitness journey, no matter what it takes.

Why waste another moment on programs that aren’t designed for you or personal trainers who don’t take your goals seriously? It’s time to make a change.

Contact us instead. We do personal training right.

  • Address:

    435 LA Grave Ave SE #104, Grand Rapids, MI 49503

  • Address:

    714 Shelby Ln Suite E, Austin, TX 78745

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