Product Review: Monkey Feet

September 6, 2024 | Product Review

Product Review: Monkey Feet

Earlier this week, I posted on Instagram about how and why I use the Monkey Feet (MF) tool to help rehab my knee pain. This article will explore that a bit more. But you might be asking: What the heck is a Monkey Feet?

Monkey Feet is not just an exercise tool but a versatile powerhouse offering a refreshing alternative to traditional leg workouts. These weighted ankle cuffs, equipped with a platform for securely holding dumbbells, allow you to engage your legs in a novel way, shifting the focus from your knees to your feet. It’s a tool that will pique your interest and empower you with various exercise options, sparking your curiosity and excitement to exercise.

Traditional machine-based exercises that address the knee can sometimes take time to navigate. Plus, you might not have access to them to begin with. Thus, the MF tool is a great way to change loading parameters to help develop your knee muscles, hip joints, and more. For individuals with knee pain, the Monkey Feet offers a unique advantage. By shifting the focus from your knees to your feet, it reduces the strain on your knees, making it a safer and more comfortable option for leg workouts.

How We Use It

If you’re looking for the ultimate Monkey Feet exercise, you’re in luck. But I have TWO of them.

  • Open-Chain Standing Hamstring Curls

  • Marching

These two movements will destroy your hamstrings and hip flexors (in a good way!) Here’s a quick snippet of me reviewing how we set it up and executed the hamstring curl and march.

Open-Chain Standing Hamstring Curls

The standing hamstring curl gets you a solid range of motion with a decent load. In fact, part of the benefit of the standing hamstring curl is you get more relative load through the entire range of motion, just not at end-range length (i.e., when your knee is locked).

Further, making this an open-chain exercise (i.e., your foot can move freely) allows for more tibial rotation variations. You can pull your heel to your glute through different ranges of motion by changing the rotation of the shin relative to the femur. Doing this with a seated hamstring curl or stability ball curl is challenging because your foot and shin tend to be fixed. So, doing it this way has more advantages than meets the eye.

If you watch the Instagram clip, you can see me rotating my shin as I curl.

Marching For The Hip Flexors & Glutes

Marching can give you a crazy amount of load into hip flexion and hip extension simultaneously. Unlike traditional hip flexor exercises, the MF march forces you to solidify your planted leg, driving into as much extension as possible to give you as much opposing flexion on the opposite hip. You can technically do this with a band, but I like the band for speed work and the MF for controlled chaos (a challenging and intense workout) and a massive burn (a feeling of intense muscle fatigue and growth).

So, if you want to develop your hip flexors and the other muscles in your upper leg, try the MF march.

When We Don’t Use It (Often): Leg Extensions

Some people suggest MF can be used for leg extensions (quad muscles). However, if you’re going to load it up that much, you’re better off using a leg extension machine or a banded version. More suitable options for heavy quad exercises may exist than the Monkey Feet, especially if the leg extension is what you’re after.

The reason is simple: the knee joint will go through the most strain during a MF leg extension when the leg is locked. However, as you start bending the knee, the load diminishes rapidly, as the weight of the dumbbell is no longer putting strain on the quadriceps. So, it’s only useful as an end-range tool, but you can probably find a better alternative.

What About The Ankle?

It’s important to note that the MF is not suitable for ankle training. The ankle is fixed when using the tool, similar to wearing a ski boot. If you want to train the calf, ankle, or foot, you are better off using a Tib Bar or a band.

Other Considerations

Some people prefer the prone (face down) leg curl instead of the standing version, and it has its uses. However, you run into the same issue as the leg extension exercise because the load changes relative to the joint angle. So, for instance, in a prone hamstring curl, you get a lot of tension at length but almost none as you contract. So, you could pair the prone hamstring curl with the standing hamstring curl to get full knee flexion range of motion strength, but it could be time-consuming.

You can use it for other hip movements (e.g., hip rotation exercises), but handling more than five pounds is difficult. So, if you have a 5-pound ankle weight, you can use that instead.

Lastly, you might use it for loaded hip extension exercises (e.g., donkey kicks). It could work well with that, but I have yet to try it (maybe I’ll make another post highlighting how I would do donkey kicks!) I’m sure there are several ways to train the hip that I haven’t thought of yet. For instance, you can use the Monkey Feet for hip rotation exercises or to add resistance to hip abduction and adduction movements. These exercises can help you strengthen your hip muscles and improve your overall lower body strength and stability.

Who Can Benefit From It?

This tool is an excellent option for anyone looking to take their leg workouts to the next level. However, they can be particularly beneficial for:

  • Individuals With Mobility Constraints: The MF offers a safe and effective alternative if you need a different way to load your hips and knees (e.g., leg extension machines cause pain.)

  • People New To Exercise: The MF can be a great way for beginners to strengthen their legs without putting undue stress on their knees.

  • People With Equipment Restrictions: If you’re looking for ways to spice up your home gym setup, the MF might be a valuable tool for you.

  • Athletes: The athletic population can use the MF to increase explosiveness, balance, end-range control, and more. Just imagine adding speed to the exercises from my Instagram post, and you’ll quickly see how it transfers to sport-specific movements.

Progressive Overload, Technique, & Awareness

While the MF offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider a few things before using it. Paying attention to your technique, maintaining awareness of your body’s signals, and gradually increasing the load are crucial for a safe and effective workout. This will make you feel informed and prepared, ensuring you get the most out of your Monkey Feet experience.

  • Start Light: As with any new exercise equipment, begin with lighter weights and gradually increase the intensity as your strength and confidence improve.

  • Proper Form Is Key: Focus on proper form throughout the exercise to maximize benefits and minimize the risk of injury. If you experience pain, stop the exercise and consult a doctor or physical therapist. You should not experience sharp pain in your knees, quads, or hamstrings.

  • Listen To Your Body: Don’t push yourself beyond your limits. Pay attention to any pain or discomfort and adjust the weight or exercise accordingly. Pain isn’t the answer to your growth.

Conclusion: A Safe And Effective Way To Train Your Legs

In conclusion, the MF is a game-changer for leg workouts. Its versatility, safety, and effectiveness make it invaluable for strengthening hamstrings and hips. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a fitness enthusiast, the MF offers a unique and challenging way to take your leg training to the next level.

By incorporating the MF into your routine, you can achieve exceptional results while minimizing the risk of knee pain. Its innovative design allows for a wide range of exercises, from traditional hamstring curls to matches (and probably more), ensuring that your workouts remain engaging and effective.

Don’t miss out on this revolutionary piece of equipment, which is sure to elevate your fitness journey. The MF is more than just a gym tool; it’s a partner in achieving your leg training goals.

Written by:

Brian MurrayBrian Murray, FRA, FRSC

Founder of Motive Training

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