Top 20 Questions To Ask An Online Fitness Coach Before You Commit

August 25, 2024 | Online Coaching

Top 20 Questions To Ask An Online Fitness Coach Before You Commit

As an individual seeking an online fitness coach, you are the key player in your health and fitness journey. With a plethora of options available, asking the right questions is crucial to finding the perfect fit. This guide is designed to empower you with a comprehensive list of questions, giving you the control to make an informed decision.

Before you search for a personal trainer or online coach, take the time to go through these questions. Your time is valuable; these questions will ensure you make the most of it.

About The Coach

What qualifications and experience do you have as a personal trainer?

A qualified coach will possess the necessary certifications and experience to guide your fitness journey effectively. Inquire about their educational background and the specific training programs they have completed.

You should find a personal trainer who has been in the fitness industry for multiple years, preferably working across various platforms (e.g., strength training gyms, powerlifting gyms, group classes, etc.) The more experience your personal trainer has across multiple modalities, the more versatile they can be. It’s important to factor in your fitness goal, so choose the personal trainer who best fits your mold based on their qualifications and experience.

What personal training certification do you hold, and does a reputable fitness organization recognize it?

Reputable certifications such as NASM, ACE, or ISSA indicate a commitment to professional development and adherence to industry standards. However, you should consider specialty certifications, like Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) or prenatal/postnatal certifications. Everyone at Motive Training must eventually receive a certification from FRC, so you’re in good hands if you work with us.

How many years of experience do you have as a personal trainer, and what types of clients have you worked with?

Experience working with diverse clientele, including those with similar goals to yours, is valuable. Remember, personal trainers come from all walks of life, and the first session should give you a good idea of whether you’ve found a qualified trainer.

Are you a certified personal trainer helping me achieve specific goals, such as weight loss or strength training?

A coach’s expertise in your desired area is beneficial and essential for providing the targeted guidance you need. For example, if your goal is to improve your strength, a coach with a background in strength training can provide the specific techniques and strategies you need to succeed. Ensure you’re on the same page as your personal trainer regarding goals and goal setting.

Can you provide references or testimonials from previous clients who have achieved their fitness goals with your help?

Client feedback offers insights into the coach’s effectiveness and ability to deliver results. As your personal trainer, let us know if they have testimonies, reviews, or progress pictures to showcase their results. At Motive Training, we have hundreds of 5-star reviews to pull from and many case studies and progress photos to show how spectacular of a job we do.

Coaching Style and Approach

Online Personal Training

What is your coaching style and philosophy?

Understanding a coach’s approach helps determine if it aligns with your personality and learning style.

  • Supportive And Motivational: A coach who fosters a positive and encouraging environment can significantly impact your progress.

  • Results-Oriented: A coach focused on achieving measurable outcomes can help you stay on track.

  • Educational: A coach who prioritizes teaching you the fundamentals of fitness empowers you for long-term success.

Your personal trainer should have a website or bio that illustrates their methods and philosophy. Do your research beforehand to find a trainer who fits your needs.

What approach do you take to personal training, and how will you help me achieve my training goals?

A clear explanation of their methodology demonstrates their understanding of effective training principles. Personal trainers come from all walks of life, so hire an online personal trainer who fully understands what you’re trying to achieve and knows the path to get you there.

Are you a good personal trainer who can provide a supportive and motivating environment for me to reach my full potential?

A coach’s ability to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere is crucial for long-term success. Don’t hesitate to ask a personal trainer if they can motivate you.

How will you help me overcome obstacles and stay on track with my fitness regime?

A coach should offer strategies for overcoming challenges and maintaining motivation.

What sets you apart from other personal trainers, and why should I choose you as my online fitness coach?

Look for differentiators that showcase your trainer’s ability to help you exercise, clean up your diet, improve health, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask them this directly; they should be able to provide an answer rather quickly. They should also have a broad fitness knowledge pool, so feel free to ask them more specific questions about why they’re better, different, or more helpful than other trainers.

Program Details

What is included in my program, and how many sessions do I need to buy?

Clarify the program’s structure, duration, and frequency of sessions. Every personal trainer program is different. For instance, at Motive Training, we are not as diet focused and we don’t generally mak meal plans. We focus on remarkable results, better exercise, more physical activity, and improved mobility.

How will we communicate during our sessions, and what technology will we use to stay connected?

Effective communication is vital for online training. Consider factors like video quality, audio clarity, and screen-sharing capabilities. At Motive Training, we use our app to deliver workouts and programs, including KINSTRETCH.

Can I expect to receive personalized attention and feedback during our sessions, or will I be following a pre-set program?

Personalized guidance is essential for achieving optimal results. Make sure your personal trainer is giving you what you need to succeed. If it’s cookie-cutter like everything else, you’re in the wrong place.

How will you help me track my progress and stay accountable throughout our sessions?

Progress tracking and accountability are key components of successful online training. If you’re a new client working with a trainer, understand what goals you’re after and how they are being tracked.

Nutrition And Supplements

Do you offer nutritional advice and meal-planning services?

Nutrition plays a huge part in your health. A holistic approach to fitness includes nutrition.

  • Guiding you in understanding macronutrients, portion control, and meal planning.

  • Developing healthy eating habits and creating a sustainable meal plan.

How will you help me develop a healthy relationship with food and achieve my nutrition goals?

A focus on sustainable eating habits is essential for long-term success. Before you sign up, make sure your trainer has an adequate background in nutrition coaching or meal planning.

Do you recommend any specific supplements or vitamins for my goals, and why?

Supplement recommendations should be based on individual needs and supported by scientific evidence.

Can you provide me with a sample meal plan or nutrition guide to help me get started?

Although we generally don’t find meal plans helpful, if you desire one, you should ensure your online personal trainer has the ability and capacity to create one for you. Nutrition guidance should be standard, though.

Progress Tracking And Accountability

Online Personal Training Assessments

How will you track my progress and take feedback from me?

Regular assessment is crucial for monitoring progress and making adjustments.

  • Use wearable fitness trackers, progress photos, or performance metrics to measure outcomes.

  • Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help keep you motivated and on track.

If your goal is to lose weight, your trainer should track changes in body weight or body composition. If you want to build muscle, you should use progress pictures and circumference measurements. Regardless of your goals, your personal trainer should track your progress with you.

What metrics will we use to measure my success, and how often will we review my progress?

Clear performance indicators help you stay focused on your goals. New clients should look to track more than just body weight when they are starting out. Make sure you’re looking at all the metrics and measurable findings that can highlight your progress along the way.

How will you help me stay accountable and motivated throughout our sessions?

Accountability partners and regular check-ins can significantly impact your success.

Can I expect to receive regular check-ins and support outside of our scheduled sessions?

Ongoing support is essential for maintaining motivation and achieving long-term results. If your trainer doesn’t check in regularly, you should quit immediately.

What exercises should I avoid, and how will you help me prevent injury?

Understanding your limitations is crucial for preventing injuries. Your online personal trainer can assess your fitness level, medical history, and any existing injuries to identify potential risks. This information will help them tailor your workouts to your specific needs and avoid exercises that could exacerbate underlying conditions.

How will you help me prevent injury and ensure my physical health and safety during our sessions?

Your online personal trainer should be able to prevent injuries by focusing on the following.

  • Personalized Guidance: They can provide real-time feedback on your form, ensuring you’re performing exercises correctly to minimize the risk of injury.

  • Modifications: If they notice any issues with your form or if you’re experiencing pain, they can suggest modifications or alternative exercises that are safer and more effective.

  • Progression: They can gradually increase the intensity and complexity of your workouts to avoid sudden strain.

What precautions will we take to avoid overtraining or burnout?

A good trainer will focus on:

  • Rest and Recovery: They will emphasize the importance of adequate sleep and rest days to allow your body to recover and adapt.

  • Listening to Your Body: Pay attention to signs of fatigue or soreness and adjust your workout intensity accordingly.

  • Progressive Overload: They should gradually increase the weight, repetitions, or sets over time to avoid plateaus and prevent overtraining.

Can you expect me to modify or provide alternatives to exercises that may be too challenging or uncomfortable for you?

A good trainer understands that everyone’s fitness journey is unique, and they can tailor the program to your specific needs. If an exercise is too challenging or uncomfortable, they should explore modifications or alternatives that are equally effective but less strenuous.

Preparing for Your First Personal Training Session

What should I expect, and how can I prepare for my first session?

During your first session, a good personal trainer will thoroughly assess your fitness level, goals, and limitations. They will discuss your current workout routine, if any, and identify areas for improvement. Be prepared to answer questions about your health history, exercise experience, and lifestyle.

What information will you need from me before our first session, and how can I provide it to you?

Please have your medical history, fitness level, and specific goals or concerns ready to discuss with your trainer. This information will help tailor the program to your needs.

How can I get the most out of our first session, and what are your expectations for our initial consultation?

Come prepared with questions and be open to feedback. At Motive Training, we aim to establish a strong foundation for our training partnership. We expect to learn about your fitness goals, identify any areas of concern, and assess your current fitness level.

Do I need to complete specific documents or forms before our first session?

Trainers will sometimes have waivers or forms to fill out beforehand. If you’re a new client, make sure to ask for this ahead of time to save yourself from doing extra legwork.

Business And Logistics

What is your cancellation policy, and how much notice do I need to provide if I need to cancel or reschedule a session?

Motive Training’s cancelation policy is flexible. We require at least 24 hours’ notice for cancellations or rescheduling to avoid fees. This is pretty standard and something you’ll find across the board. Regardless, make sure to ask a personal trainer beforehand.

How much does your online personal training program cost, and what payment options are available?

Understanding your budget is crucial to finding a trainer. Make sure you know what you can invest ahead of time to ensure you find the right fit.

Are there any discounts or promotions available for your program, and how can I take advantage of them?

Don’t be afraid to ask for discounts!

What is your refund policy if I’m unsatisfied with your program or services?

Most companies have a refund policy of some kind to guarantee their program. Don’t sign up for a personal trainer’s program if they don’t have a guarantee.

Final Questions For Your Personal Trainer

Online Functional Training

Can I see some of your client success stories and testimonials?

You should be able to easily find and see testimonials, progress pictures, and more. Their website or social media profile should have loads of content around this if they are worth their weight in salt.

How have your clients achieved their fitness goals, and what strategies have you used to help them succeed?

Make sure your trainer has helped people like you. For instance, many clients at Motive Training are likely going through pain or are unsure how to start their fitness program. That’s where we come in and shine.

Can I review any case studies or examples of your work to understand your coaching style and approach better?

I can provide you with case studies or examples of my work to better understand my coaching style and approach.

Can I contact any of your previous clients for a reference or to ask questions about their experience with your program?

Social media and Google should give you plenty of information about your personal trainer’s ability to help you. You can also use Reddit to dig up local information on your trainer.

We hope this helps you find a trainer that fits your needs and goals. By asking these questions, you can get on the right path toward choosing an online fitness coach.

Written by:

Motive Training StaffMotive Training Staff

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